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Basics of Eco-Friendly Homes in Slovenia

The demand for eco-friendly homes in Slovenia is now on the rise, and to say that it’s long overdue is an understatement. The country of Slovenia is tucked right amidst Central Europe. For many centuries, it has been acclaimed far and wide thanks to its commitment to environmental responsibility. 

Today, this dedication can already be seen in how Slovenians construct their houses. Eco-friendly architecture is seeing a significant boom right now to offer the residents a great opportunity to live in sheer comfort while cutting down on their harsh effects on Mother Nature. 

In this article, you will learn more about Slovenia’s eco-friendly homes. You will discover more about the different innovative materials used for these houses, the respective sustainable practices, as well as the one-of-a-kind designs that shape this ever-growing trend. 

Common Materials for Eco-Friendly Homes in Slovenia 

One of the foundations of Slovenia’s eco-friendly houses is the use of different sustainable construction materials. There are several popular choices for homeowners to choose from depending on their style preferences and budget. 

rent apartment in Ljubljana
It’s trendy to rent apartment in Ljubljana.


The clay material is starting to make a big comeback in the construction industry. Clay can naturally regulate humidity to create a cozy climate indoors. The material is also known for being resistant to fire. It’s also an added benefit that clay can also be sourced locally which can help reduce emissions during transport. 

Recycled Materials 

More and more architects right now are starting to incorporate recycled materials such as concrete and plastic into their designs. Doing so not only helps lessen the need for using virgin resources it also uses waste products and gives them a new life. 

YouTube video
10 Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Houses. See how green building design is being used in a variety of ways to get an idea of how homes in Slovenia could look.

Straw Bales 

Straw bales used in eco-friendly houses are an innovative approach where they serve as insulation. The material is surprisingly effective as it offers outstanding acoustic and thermal insulation. To make things even better, straw bales are readily renewable resources so they don’t bring serious harm to the environment. 

straw bales for eco-friendla homes in Slovenia
Straw-bale constructions are environmentally sustainable: the raw material is fully natural and is locally available for building homes in Slovenia. Once you have your straw bales, the construction is really fast, and the material can completely be recycled when no longer in use.


Wood is known as a natural insulator that boasts exceptional thermal performance. It also creates a healthy and warm living space. The forests of Slovenia produce large amounts of wood that are responsibly sourced and perfect for the construction of eco-friendly houses.

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